I have a long exeprience in teaching classes on topics like Cyber Security, Blockchain and Audit. Classes take place in English or Italian, either in Rome, Milan or Frankfrut am Main.
Per le classi in italiano potete visitare la pagina di dedicata della società Profice S.r.l.s.
Currently, I teach in the following classes.
Introduction to Blockchain technologies and Smart Contracts
Duration: 2 days
Teaching methodology: gamification + slides
Per il corso in italiano, approfondisci sul sito di Profice S.r.l.s.
General description
Since Bitcoin was introduced to the world back in 2010, cryptocurrencies have been a huge sucess. While this is surprising, it’s also a signal that the technology behing it, the Blockchain, is sound and mature and its applications extend far beyond pure speculation. Identity management, asset management, supply chain certification, cyber resilience are just a few of the industry fields that benefits from the advantages of the Blockchain.
In this course you will learn how the Blockchain works, starting from scratch, no prior knowledge required: the cryptographic tools used, the Nakamoto consensus protocol, the role of the miners, the alternatives to the energy-intensive Proof-of-Work. In the course, a number of real-world business case will be described and analysed in a highly interactive environment.
Security and Audit of the Blockchain and Smart Contracts
Duration: 3 days
Teaching methodology: virtual lab + slides
Per il corso in italiano, approfondisci sul sito di Profice S.r.l.s.
General description
Blockchain applications, including those based on Smart Contracts, are set to become a relevant part of our life. Yet, ensuring that a Blockchain application is secure can be a though objective. More, bugs and vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts and Blockchains can lead to huge financial losses due to their direct impact on the assets of an organization. The MtGox incident (450 millions USD) and the DAO vulnerability (50 millions USD) are two of the most notable cases.
In this course you will learn the basics of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and all the related subtleties and peculiarities, along with a primer on the Solidity language. We will the encompass all the known attacks on Ethereum and other Blockchains and review the tools and techniques we have at hand to assess and ensure the security of the Blockchain applications. The course is delivered mostly using a hands-on methodology with access to a virtual lab.